Social News Sharing

The public concerns and policy implementation behind the “techlash”
What is the “techlash”? Figure 1. “Where does tech regulation go in 2020?” by Alain Jocard is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 The rapid growth of technology enabled social media to gradually occupied people’s life, […]

Pinterest: A Gathering of Visual Interest
Introduction This essay will study Pinterest, a platform business that has built considerable users and thrived. It will cover Pinterest’s overview, basic use, and the way it makes money. Then, it will explore the key […]

“Techlash” – What is it? And how can concerns be addressed?
“Big Tech companies including apple, amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook”,by Huzaifa abedeen, is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons INTRODUCTION What is meant by the “techlash”? Since the advent of digital technology, […]

Bilibili: A community for gathering Generation Z group
In today’s era of Internet development, the significant reform brought by the Internet of Things technology provides opportunities for Bilibili’s development. Bilibili, as the leading bullet screen website in China, is different from traditional video […]

What Is Meant By The “Techlash”?
“Social Media Icons on Chalk Sticks” by Jamie Spencer is licensed under CC BY 2.0 With the rise of global digital culture, the Internet platform plays an indispensable role in both the overall social […]

Black Mirror: A Mirror to the Future of Technology?
Warning: This article contains spoilers and offensive language. The sci-fi, thriller television series Black Mirror poses this question to its audience — what is the future of technology? It presents to viewers imaginaries of future […]

Structural inequalities of gender and race on the Internet
The development of the Internet is affected to some extent by structural inequalities. Structural inequalities means the unequal status of one group of people relative to another, reinforced and sustained by different aspects such as roles, […]

Challenges facing digital platforms for content moderation
With the development of the Internet, while the content of network platforms has exploded, a large amount of harmful and harmful information has also been generated, and content security has become an important part of […]

How Gender Inequality is Embedded in the Internet and the Real-World Implications of this Digital Injustice.
As the Internet was created, the inequalities ubiquitous in our society were inevitably embedded into the features that make it up. It is interesting to explore whether the web has been a force for reducing […]