Structural inequality on the Internet
Lusoli and Turner (2020) concluded that male, men individuals are the most typical of Internet structural prejudice, and these traits persist to this day. The early Internet’s structural biases have had a subtle influence on the evolution of current digital culture and the Internet due to the Internet’s continuity. At the same time, the growth of the Internet is increasing inequality pressures. This evaluation will look at current societal prejudice based on gender and race, as well as artificial intelligence’s algorithmic preconceptions.
Google” by Cesar Solorzano is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Internet two types of structural inequality
Online freedom is enabled by scientific, dependable, and secure Internet access, but discrimination and violence against women and girls are exacerbated by limiting social norms and structural inequities both offline and online. ( Inclusive Technology: The Gender Digital Divide, Human Rights, and Women’s Violence,2017). Search reflects the attitudes of its users, and society still retains numerous biased views toward women. For example, when someone Googling “women cannot,” which discover top results in the guidelines such as “women cannot drive,” “women cannot vote,” etc. This is a modern female’s negative stereotype. In regular life, women are more suited to indoor occupations like teachers and nursing, while males are probably more suited to scientific occupations of engineers and mathematics.
“You Accept That Women Cannot Vote” by Joe Shlabotnik is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Homosexuality and ”sissy pant“
In terms of homosexuality or “effeminacy,” there is a structural gender imbalance not only among women, but also between the sexes. “Orchid fingers, smooth hair, creamy face, A4 waist; exaggerated mannerisms.” These are the terms that define some of today’s most prominent “fresh meat” icons’ stunning looks and demeanors. The progression of this macabre style from “fresh” through “beautiful” to “feminine” is depressing (Song, 2021). And this definition of effeminacy is surely suffocating the concept of masculine attractiveness. Since around 2021, 71 nations throughout the world have made homosexuality illegal. (Varrella, n.d.2021). The image below describes a man wearing an adorable bunny hairpin that was found by Googling “sissy pant.” The social rules of the early patriarchal society, whose impact is most typical of the Chinese patriarchal culture in the globe, are primarily to blame for the development of such pictures on the Internet. Men who do not meet the “masculine” gender image are referred to as “sissy pants,” and society appears to regard only the show of muscles and power as a sign of true masculinity.
“sissyformen sissyformenblogger pictures” by usasissyfaggot is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
The United States government has been discriminating against blacks since the first batch of black slaves were sold onto the North American continent in 1619. Pornographic websites continue to use black females as commodities, goods, or objects of sexual gratification rather than humanizing them. (Safiya U, 2018). When you search for black girl on Google or another search engine, you’re likely to come across pornographic or sexually explicit results. As a result of such search results, racial prejudice is becoming increasingly prevalent in society. The political and social significance of exports is severely diminished when the two identities of women and people of color collide. As a result of this algorithmic bias, criminality, sexual relations, and other bad effects will always appear in search results. The film Hidden Figures is about women of color who fight societal injustice. The protagonist of the play laments the prejudice and unfair treatment she receives from her coworkers and employers. The black woman’s issue was successfully handled in the end. However, in practice, relatively few complaints have been addressed in this manner. In 2020, 37% of adult Americans feel that the major emphasis of the demonstrations following George Floyd’s death should be on the racial gap that still exists in the United States and how to address it. (George Floyd Protests: Opinions on Main Focus U.S. 2020, n.d.)
“Latina Women” by Tricia Wang 王圣捷 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Bias of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Artificial intelligence algorithms are increasingly being used in everyday life, with advertising businesses analyzing user behavior to achieve their objectives. Artificial intelligence has unquestionable acceptance in society. However, the general public nowadays believes that the top search engine results are either the most popular, the most reputable, or both. (Safiya U., Safiya U., Safiya U. (2018). And this idea leads many to assume that when content ranks highly on a search engine, the algorithm program loses its objectivity and neutrality in the information distribution process, affecting the public’s objective and thorough understanding of the information. Artificial intelligence algorithms are increasingly being used in everyday life, with advertising businesses analyzing user behavior to achieve their objectives. Artificial intelligence has unquestionable acceptance in society. However, the general public nowadays believes that the top search engine results are either the most popular, the most reputable, or both. (Safiya U., 2018). And this concept leads many to assume that when content ranks highly on a search engine, the algorithm program loses its objectivity and neutrality in the information distribution process, affecting the public’s objective and thorough understanding of the information.
“HACKFACE: genres” by hugovk is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
The Internet’s Enabling or Reducing
According to Preventing Intimate Partner Violence statistics, one-quarter of women had been exposed to sexual violence, physical violence, or intimate partner tracking at some point in their lives (2021). This is significantly higher than the male violence index. Only men have the right to higher education in several of the world’s poorest countries. In the case of <I am a girl>, half of the six women were denied the opportunity to attend school. Discrimination based on race is considerably more evident. This murder has received a lot of attention across the world. It also demonstrates how rapidly current news travels on the Internet. According to a survey conducted in September 2020, 77 percent of black respondents believe that police in the United States do not treat blacks and whites equally. (Police Treatment: Opinions on Equal Treatment by Ethnicity US 2020, nd) Feminism and the Black Lives Matter movements, which arose with the assistance of the Internet, have provided circumstances for opposition to such inequity. As a result, in terms of race and gender. Inequality is still a common occurrence in today’s culture.
“racism sexism speciesism” by ThinkVegan is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
“#CSW61 – Women and the Changing World of Work – New York, 2017” by UN Women Gallery is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Google has raised to be a significant and ubiquitous. For the vast majority of people, Google is associated with the Internet. (Safiya U.2018) As a result of this recognition, Google’s usage rate has increased, and Google’s search results have a significant social value form. Controlling the diversity and centralization of the Internet is challenging for the network society. Despite the fact that Google is an example of artificial intelligence, it cannot address these disparities through own individual. Unequal society’s norms, including such gender and ethnicity, have varied degrees of impact on the Internet and society.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
<a rel=”license” href=””><img alt=”Creative Commons License” style=”border-width:0″ src=”×31.png” /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct=”” property=”dct:title”>Structural inequality on the Internet</span> by <span xmlns:cc=”” property=”cc:attributionName”>Dandan He</span> is licensed under a <a rel=”license” href=””>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.
References list
George Floyd protests: Opinions on main focus U.S. 2020. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from
Inclusive technology: The gender digital spanide, human rights & violence against women. (2017, December 16). United States Department of State.
Lusoli, A., & Turner, F. (2020, July 16). “It’s an Ongoing Bromance”: Counterculture and Cyberculture in Silicon Valley—An Interview with Fred Turner. SAGE Journals.
Noble, Safiya U. (2018) A society, searching. In Algorithms of Oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. New York: New York University. pp. 15-63.
Preventing intimate partner violence. (2021b, February 23). CDC.
Police treatment: Opinions on equal treatment by ethnicity U.S. 2020. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from
Song, G. (2021). “Little fresh meat”: The politics of sissiness and sissyphobia in contemporary china. Men and Masculinities, 1097184X2110149.×211014939
Varrella, S. (n.d.). Countries that criminalize homosexuality 2021. Statista. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from